Scale the size of the crosshair according to how long ago we fired our weapon 0, ScrH() / 2.0 - Center of screen end local scale = 10 * mask = ( CONTENTS_SOLID +CONTENTS_MOVEABLE +CONTENTS_MONSTER +CONTENTS_WINDOW +CONTENTS_DEBRIS +CONTENTS_GRATE +CONTENTS_AUX ) - List the enums that should mask the crosshair on camrea/thridperson local trace = util.
if ( self: GetOwner() = LocalPlayer() & self: GetOwner():ShouldDrawLocalPlayer() ) then local tr = util. Weapon:GetNWBool( 'Ironsights' ) ) then return end local x, y - local, always - If we're drawing the local player, draw the crosshair where they're aiming - instead of in the center of the screen. No crosshair when ironsights is on if ( self.